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Facing Your Fears Radio Talk Show with Host Evangelist Evangelist Norma Chapman and Co- Host Mrs. Patricia Jordan along with their amazing Special Guest, Ms. Charlene " Lady J" Jenkins will be discussing how God already knew our, before we was formed in our mother's womb. In the Book of Jeremiah 1:5 tells us God had called Jeremiah to do His will before he was born. Being a child Jeremiah asked God, who am I Lord that you may send, " I'm only a child. But God had set him set him apart and appointed him as a Prophet. We don't understand why God appoints us to do certain things and work in us differently from others we know. This is a mission in our life that God have already prepared and anointed us to fulfill. We don't know how to go forward in our lives with some special callings, God have planned for us. Tune in on today's episode and learn how "Spiritual discomfort can only be relieved by our Master Physician Jesus Christ. Some people are uncomfortable, because it's time for them to deliver