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Facing Your Fears Radio Talk Show with Host Evangelist Norma Chapman and Co-Host Pastor Doris Smith are excited to have as our upcoming Special Guests, Ms. Inez Jordan and Mr. Micheal Harrison. Our Guest will be representing the Crafts Resource Builders OCRBLLC, they hope to engage with High Schools and Petrochemical Industry leaders in providing resourceful tools to achieve their expected result. "One of their resources is creating a professional resume. Most Resumes Graded by Droids ( ATS) and they will fail you before a hiring manager, even knows you have tried some applicants get to regret to inform you. letter before the jobs even knows you applied. ( Definition) Resume: it turns your dreams into reality. It's the first impression, resumes are like a new suit, your email is a chance to see once you change clothes." Tune in on this amazing show on April 2, 2020. Showtime: 4:30pm to 5:30:pm CST/ 5:30pm to 6:30pm EST. The number to call is 917-889-3028.