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Facing Your Fears Radio Talk Show with Host Evangelist Norma Chapman and Co Host Pastor Doris Smith are blessed to talk on this informative, interesting,important topic on today's episode. Our Special Topic is People are You Listening. We know and realize our entire National and Countries are in a turmoil this has affected many people and many more before this terrible Coronavirus comes to an end. Our prayers are with everyone all over this entire world. People are You Listening to what God is saying to us. Yes, we may be listening to the radio and watching our television as President Trump, our local Governors, Mayors giving us good advice how we can be safe doing this trying times. Let us not forget what God is saying to us, through His Holy Word. This evening we will be discussing the biblical advice and warnings from God, through the spirit and understand this is only the begin, we must seek him for all our answers and we know He will take care of us. Tune in on today's episode as we go before God present and listen to what He is saying to us. Showtime will begin at 7:30pm to 8:00pm CST/ 8:30pm to 9:00pm EST. Number to call 917-889-3028, We will only be on 30 mins do to Pastor Smith making arrangements for her son Funeral which will be on Saturday. Let's keep her and her entire family in prayer. Praying for all of us to be safe and follow instructions that are being given to us to protect us from this deadly virus