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We're back with a LIVE all reading show! After 2 weeks off the air (due to flu season) we'll be hosting a live show, taking your calls and offering messages from your loved ones on the Other Side. Call with your early to be sure to get on the air.
Messages From Beyond® with Twin Soul spiritual psychic mediums, Dennis and Alice Jackson, is a fun lively show where people feel comfortable being with others of like minds.
Live on-air readings. As always, callers may ask a specific personal question or ask to speak with a loved one on the Other Side to receive a mini-reading from Dennis and Alice.
Together Again - Dennis and Alice
Dennis and Alice are twin souls who were reunited in this lifetime in 1996, via destiny and a lot of synchronicities. and immediately recognized each other from past lives. They are considered experts on the subject of twin souls and relationship issues. They are authors of the books, Together Again: Twin Souls Reunite in Love and Life and the upcoming Life is an Illusion: Loving Messages from Beyond. Maintaining a five-star rating on and,Together Again has been endorsed by best selling authors, Larry King, James Redfield, and Alan Cohen.