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Hello Everyone and welcome to Psychic Sunday! Join psychic mediums Elizabeth Harbin, Keri Glaser and Luann Morris on Sunday, April 18th at 8.00 CDT for one of the favorite shows on blog talks Spiritual catagories!
Our call-in number is 563-999-3697 and our text message number is 972-656-9196 or send us your questions via email at MakeItSoNewtork@gmail.com.
Be sure to follow this page so you will get notifications for all shows from the Make It So Network channel such as Psychic Night, Psychic Sunday, Psychic Senses 2021, Ghost Talk, Spiral Topaz Presents Tarot Theater our newest show, Life Aquarian! We will also be adding Podcast Specials as events arise for your enjoyment!
If you miss our live broadcast, it's always available here on Blog Talks ON DEMAND or on Amazon Music (just ask Alexa to play Make It So Network) Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio,TuneIn Radio, Stitcher, Spotify and be sure to like and follow us on Make It So Network | Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
Remember, as in all readings, we are receiving images in a split second of time that you have the power to change.
Free will is a wonderful thing and so is your own intuition. We encourage you to use that first. If practiced with, your intuition will always be your best friend and your best resource!
During these stressful times, emotional and mental events can make it difficult to think straight. Please, if you or a loved one is feeling the pull to suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255(talk).