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Discipleship Radi0

Rastafari DiscipleShip Radi0 @LOJSociety


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@LOJSociety The Lion Of Judah Society International presents Rastafari-based DiscipleShip Radio LIVE Broadcasts, Podcasts and exclusive On-Demand listening! Starting from Testify Tuesdays, Wombman Wednesdays, Upper Room Of Zion (Thursday), T.J.I.F. Thank JAH It’s Friday and After JAH Sabbath on Saturday Nights Live with Rastafari Sabbath Study (RSS) Liturgy of JAH Word Communion and Aliyah Readings (Part 1) and the Mishnah (Part 2) at 1am Sunday Mornings. Shema Achad!

On-Demand Episodes

#Rastafari#Discipleship #Friday #RSS #Sukkot Day 2 2024-10-18 #Psalms 20 #podcasting #tgif #sabbath #Shabbat #BlackJews @LOJSociety.org Happy Sukkot & Simchat Torah (Tabernacles 2024)! Holidays, This Week's... more

UPPER Room Of Zion | #DSR Discipleship Radio | #RasTafari #LionOfJudah @LOJSociety UR #upperroom Of #Zion 2024 #Psalm 15 Happy Sukkot & Simchat Torah (Tabernacles 2024)! Holidays, This Week's Torah Portion Sukkot Torah... more

#Rastafari #Discipleship #Mondays #DM #RSS #54 #Vzot Haberakhah 2024-10-14 #Psalms 29 #podcasting #BlackJews @LOJSociety.org #RASTA LIVE@10:30pm1:30am TONIGHT'S Host: On IG #rastafari #lojsociety... more

#Rastafari #Discipleship #Wednesdays #RSS #Yom Kippur WednesDay 2024-10-09 #Psalms 123 #podcasting #BlackJews @LOJSociety.org #JAH #Rastafari #JahRastafari #Wisdom #WednesdayWisdom #Wednesdays #Wisma... more

#Rastafari #Israel #BetaIsrael #Israelites #Jews #Hebrews #Hebrew #Discipleship #Tuesdays #Testify #TestifyTuesday #RSS #Yom Kippur 10-08-24 #Psalms 101 #podcast #livestream #BlackJews LIVEStreaming YouTube Online... more

#Rastafari #Discipleship #Mondays #DM #RSS #Yom Kippur 2024-10-07 #Psalms 49 #podcasting #BlackJews @LOJSociety.org #RASTA LIVE@10:30pm1:30am TONIGHT'S Host: On IG #rastafari #lojsociety #mondays #monday #maccabees... more

This Week's Portion #53 Ha'azinu | האזינו | "Give ear!/Listen" አድምጡ | 'Ad'mT'u *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download! 1. Torah Reading Deuteronomy 32:1-52 1.1 First reading — Deuteronomy... more

This Week's Portion #53 Ha'azinu | האזינו | "Give ear!/Listen" አድምጡ | 'Ad'mT'u *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download! 1. Torah Reading Deuteronomy 32:1-52 1.1 First reading — Deuteronomy... more

#Rastafari#Discipleship #Friday #RSS #53 Ha'azinu Day 2024-10-04 #Psalms 3 #podcasting #tgif #sabbath #Shabbat #BlackJews @LOJSociety.org #TJIF = Thank JAH It's Friday! I & I RasTafari Sabbath Eve Podcast Rss @LOJSociety... more

UPPER Room Of Zion | #DSR Discipleship Radio | #RasTafari #LionOfJudah @LOJSociety UR #upperroom Of #Zion 2024 #Psalm 55 In Christian tradition, based on Acts 1:13, The"Upper Room" was said to be the site of the Last... more

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