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Chicago South Shore High Tars…This evening Thursday 9/3 at 7pm: Chicago South Shore High Tars For Life on “We Are Everyday People” global internet radio we will blast off the first South Shore Tars radio show that will feature South Shore High Alumni. This first show will discuss the SSH “75” 40 year reunion and picnic. I will play interviews with alumni from the Saturday 8/29 reunion picnic: (Lamonte Dixon, Rodney Sims, Dr. Debra "Peaches' Henson, Wayne Jackson, Margaret Shaifer, and Carl Sandersoon).
Join me and SSH Alumni guest Roy Shelby ...I will also welcome to SSH "75" Alumni, South Shore Tars For Life radio supporter Eleanor Jackson"Kitty" since her high school Carver HS "75" had no reunion since 2005. Regular contributor Carl Pc Sandersonwill also join us as we spread the SSH love.