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Join GITM Radio as we welcome Rev Bill and Rev Kim Osborn, Myrtle Beach, SC
New Harvest Ministries International
Part 6, Thursday March 9, 2023 9pm CST (10pm EST)
God Has Anointed Rev Kim As A Prophetic Worshiper & Psalmist To Release His Glory!!
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Rev. Kim Osborn God has anointed Kim as a Prophetic Worshiper, Psalmist and Prayer Warrior. Kim has ministered throughout Texas, Missouri, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia as a worship leader, trainer and keynote speaker. Her desire is to lead people into the Holy of Holies where there is healing, deliverance and freedom. Rev. Bill Osborn founded Sunday Celebration/New Harvest Ministries in 2001. Equipped in the 5-fold ministries, Bill moves in the Spirit and Power of God. He has been training the saints and operating in healing and deliverance for over 34 years. Bill has also been involved in training and activating the Body of Christ in the prophetic gifts for over 24 years. Bill's desires are two-fold: First, to see the presence of God manifested: Second that you fulfill your destiny in Jesus. Bill and Kim travel together, releasing the atmosphere of Heaven through worship and the Word of God. In that atmosphere, God’s gifts and His Glory are manifested, healings and destinies are realized, there is a transfer of God's anointing and people begin to flow in the potential that God has planned for them.