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Well, it appears we sailed through another 4-11 for this year so we wait to see what Pentecost will bring, as Passover ends today for Israel. Meanwhile, in this evil matrix, things continue as they always have with wars, corruption and evil mounting ever higher as the world implodes upon itself. The rich men of the earth continue their march for total world control and could care less as to how many people suffer and die because of them and them alone. Psalm Two is evidently an unknown to them as they march forward in their global culling operations and are oblivious to anything but their agenda. These folks have no clue as to God's plan, and are actually part of it without knowing it, and so it goes. Earth changes abound as do UFO and paranormal sightings. The veils are thinning and the DARK SPIRITUAL WORLD is coming into view as the STRONG DELUSION emerges and captures mankind.
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