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Well, I thought something of major importance could occur in between the dates of 3-19 and 3-22 and one of them just came to pass with Trump tweeting at 11:09 (9-11) that the Golan Heights belongs to Israel, in utter defiance of GLOBAL DEEP STATE, the UN and Iran and Syria, setting the stage now for WAR in the Middle East. There is also a deep embedded code for the dates of the SUPER MOON TRIAD which all points to 3-21 and also 4-11, 2019, which I will discuss on tonights show - which appears to be a series of final signs for the countdown on the Church Age ending. Millions of Christians, who were positive they were going to heaven will find out the opposite is the actual truth, as they were victims of a gigantic satanic fraud, warned about by Jesus and others MANY TIMES, but the warnings were consistently ignored...