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The multiple signs appear to be converging for 3-19 through 3-22 all appear to be pointing to a 4-11-2019 event of some time, if not before then. The third and last SUPER MOON is TONIGHT on the spring equinox and also Purim - the last of which in 3-22, the Skull & Bones number 322, the Georgia Guide-stones dedication on 3-22, and the Denver Airport on 3-19, 1994!! Is antichrist about to rise? Are the floods now going on all over the globe reminding us of Noah's flood and the deliverance? Does the Mayan date of 12-21-2012 have a hidden code that points to March 22 and April 11th, 2019? Was that date a CODE, WHICH WE CAN NOW UNDERSTAND? Is it possible that the age of Grace is almost over? Is it possible that Jewish Rabbis who claim antichrist will soon be revealed are correct?