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Well, folks, 9-23 came and went, and NOTHING HAPPENED. Nothing at all. Except ONE THING. There was a SHOUT and a CRY that THE BRIDEGROOM COMETH, GO YE OUT TO MEET HIM. We could call it THE MIDNIGHT CRY. But the Lord tarried.He did not come. NOTHING HAPPENED. The gainsayers all with one accord began to beat upon those issuing the MIDNIGHT CRY and told the rest to go back to sleep, because things continue as they always have. Now then, Jesus said as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be, and Noah was told IN YET SEVEN DAYS shall the flood come. In yet SEVEN DAYS. Interesting that from the eclipse to 9-23 was 33 days, and 33 means promise. Jesus promised to come and get His Bride. From 9-23 to ATONEMENT was SEVEN DAYS. "In yet SEVEN days, Noah, I will shut you into the Ark". The SIGN OF JONAH ends on Atonement. SEVEN DAYS AFTER THE MIDNIGHT CRY. Nothing like this happens by accident.
And then we have ROCKET MAN telling America he is going to destroy us, that is, unless Hurricanes, Earthquakes and who knows what else destroys us FIRST. While America is being threatened be a nuke, EMP, tsunami by one who can actually do it, we are concerned by OUR FOOTBALL IDOL. Indeed, this nation has gone INSANE and only severe judgment will end it. We would have healed Babylon, but she will not be healed!!!