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  • Broadcast in Paranormal
Night Shadows

Night Shadows


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Well folks, here we are 3 days away from 9-23 day, and all of the occult is waiting for this date to come because of the ARRIVAL of the "gods" and the establishment of their New World Order, aka "the Golden Age of the gods" as it were. If 9-23 shows us anything, there is a huge PIVOT COMING, and it may well be that the Church is removed as the Fallen Ones arrive.

Then we have more bad weather coming upon us, earthquakes by the pound, and rumors of war and Kimmy the Rocket Man. A world, as the Donald told the UN, of danger, and that we need PEACE and SECURITY for all, and PEACE and Prosperity for all as well, in between comes the fact that we might have to destroy North Korea and Iran and of course anyone else that might be a theat to our PEACE AND SECURITY WORLD. I guess the secret code here is GET READY, anything might be coming down the road.

Then we have the gainsayers and NO WAY is Christ going to return on 9-23. I wonder how they know the mind of Christ that well when they misquote the Bible so often. Oh well, it is what it is, and time always does tell the truth of the matter. So we wait, we watch and we pray to be exempted from all of this insanity.

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