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The toppling of the United States is well underway from within and without, and the weapons of this war are weather warfare to soften up our nation, the Trump Coup continues, within, and yet nary a word from the Church concerning if all of this allowed by the Lord as a means of warning that America's days are numbered. The solar eclipse over America was viewed by almost everyone as a wonder in the heavens, but not a message from the Lord. The American Christians has ears to hear, but cannot hear, and eyes to see, but cannot see, as warning and sign and season goes by year after year. It is what it is. Meanwhile Bible Codes now warn of massive EMP attack possibly by Kimmy the Wiz Kid and his good friends Iran, China and Russia. The war agenda is nearing its start date when peace shall be taken from the Earth. At home the damage done by Harvey and Irma is heavy and not even known at this time. Reports varies on the Florida Keys, which was virtually wiped out. Mothman sightings in Chicago keep rolling in, another warning sign and more...