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Both earthquake and cosmic signs are growing for the 5777 end date for a transition of the Lord over to Israel and taking up His controversy with them and the renewal of the Abrahamic and Davidic Covenants, and the end of the age of Grace or the end of the Church Age. Is the Lord playing the numbers game? There are a multitude of arguments over when the so-called rapture will happen, but there are very valid arguments for a removal or "vanishing" at or just before Daniel's 70th Week begins. Bible Codes tend to confirm that 2017-2018 are key years for the entire world. We must watch events in the cosmos and on Earth that will verify or destroy the 5777 end of the Age of Grace. Remember it comes upon the world as a SNARE, and is totally unexpected by the world at large!! In any event we are closing in on the END OF DAYS...
"The Prophetic Insider" is being releaded tomorrow! Become a member for only $9.95 per month:
Get all Stewart Best's publications for free. You don't want to miss this one. Stewart addresses the naysayers on the Revelation 12 sign and a revisit on the staggering number of 923's out there: