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Best-Taylor Update, Is Hillary Dead? War Drums, Earth Changes, Bible Codes, Bots

  • Broadcast in Paranormal
Night Shadows

Night Shadows


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This election is the strangest ever in the United States - while MSM denies that Hillary is not sick, something happened to Hillary on 9-11, and remember 9-11 was a sacrifice and the elite do not flinch and the sacrifice of their own to serve a higher agenda. Will Obama remain in office as he feels there is no valid election, or does Trump take a clean sweep and Obama moves over the United Nations? The Middle East is now really heating up, Putin remains silent, Golan Heights may well be the flash point for a hot war between Israel, Iran and their proxy Syria. PUTIN HAS REMAINED STRANGELY SILENT as this heats up, which leads one to believe the PSALM TWO WAR WILD CARDS of which Putin may well be one and no one knows exactly what he will do. Earth Changes continue, earthquake faultline discovered in Oklahoma, Bible Codes and Bots...

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