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Munich has now become the next attack for the global chaos to bring in the New World Order. The Bible prophets all say that America is going to succumb to massive terror attacks to bring in the military police state long wanted by the United Nations. America has to be brought down before the New World Order can rise up. The plans have been well laid out, from Congress declaring America a WAR ZONE, to NDAA which allows anyone at any time to be rounded up without trial and to be detained forever. The constitution lies in shreds, yet the American people do nothing about it. The Trump Card, the wild card in all of this is a mystery. Is Trump for real or is he just "paid opposition"? The new documentary "Watchers 10" is now out and Larry will brief us on some of the startling proofs contained within! Are the flying humanoids with stingers in their tails a prelude to CERN's unlocking the Abyss? Are the creatures found in Revelation that plague mankind for five months literal? Everything is on the table, join us for this one hour investigation!!!