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Richard Shaw, the director of "Watchers 10" will be my guest on NIGHT SHADOWS along with Larry Taylor to discuss the release of "Watchers 10," and some of the vital information contained in it. The human race is about to undergo the most massive deception in the Universe as the turf war for planet Earth moves into high gear - the stakes are high, the deception SO STRONG that few are going to escape it - a deception that began in the ancient past, and coming to its full apex right in front of us. Satan claims ownership of Earth and the people on it, but Jesus Christ won it back at the Cross and is soon going to reclaim His rightful ownership. The war is on, the stakes higher than anyone knows or realizes. Soon this war is coming out in the open, and humanity is going to face its most dangerous enemy, but will embrace them as their saviours in a deceptive arrival of the fallen ones. We will also touch on information from Bible Codes.