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  • Broadcast in Paranormal
Night Shadows

Night Shadows


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This extremely revealing interview with ancient artifact investigator and collector Klaus Dona challanges everything we thought we knew about our ancient past, and puts the lie to modern archeological thought and the propaganda machine of modern science. Any artifact that does not "fit" the standard fairy tale of modern thought is carefully removed and hidden from view by museums, science and government because they not only cannot explain it, they don't want the world population to actually know their ancient past. Why? Because it removes the power of lies, and sheds light upon a world none of us were ever taught in our schools and Universites, all the way through to Doctor degree level.

What Klaus Dona has found totally CONFIRMS the Holy Bible in a way few woud have ever guessed. It verifies Genesis Six and the Giants that roamed the Earth in those days before the flood and after that. It confirms the Messiah and His return. It confirms a tie between Messiah, Orion and the pyramids. This interview is far reaching and touches on an era of time long forgotten and declared myths and legends untrue, only to find out that it was not myth or untrue. You do not want to listen to this interview if you are in your comfort zone and do not wish to have it disturbed, or you are deep into denial and wish to stay that way.

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