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Elisa presents a spirit-guided lesson, then talks with callers who line up as early at 7:45. We accept callers in the order of their calls, with priority given to donors and first-time callers. Visit or @buneke on Venmo and $bUneke on CashApp.
Call 516-418-5651 after 10:30 a.m. ET. Every Tuesday to get your spot in line for this informative guidance. Please expect Elisa to answer only one question, but don’t be surprised if she answers more.
Elisa, one of the sponsors of UnScripted, is a Reiki master, energy healer, medium, life coach and licensed massage therapist. This gifted clairvoyant healer, teacher of spirituality, and spiritual therapist owns Your Bridge to Wellness and Key Intentions. She is finalizing her book to help others on their path and frequently runs workshops.
To schedule an in-depth reading with Elisa, in person or by phone, text her at 407-432-7088.
Follow bUneke Radio on BlogTalkRadio to be reminded about Transformational Tuesdays with Elisa!
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